How are resource management and CO2 optimisation implemented in the real estate industry and what does the building resource passport contribute to the life cycle assessment? Patrick Teuffel, among others, will answer these questions at the ‘Proptech Summit’ A warm welcome
22.11.2024 Patrick Teuffel at the Heinze Klimafestival
At the ‘Heinze Klimafestival’ Patrick Teuffel joins other experts in a themed talk ‘Decarbonisation – climate-friendly planning, production, construction and operation!’ on the question of how CO2 neutrality can be achieved in the production, construction and operation of buildings in order to combat climate change. And then in the next talk the question of how abandoned properties can be revitalised to preserve the grey energy of existing buildings. Revitalisation – The revitalisation of existing properties’ !
20.11.2024 Patrick Teuffel at Circular Economy in Construction: Urban Mining
Patrick Teuffel will be a speaker at ‘Circular Economy in Construction: Urban Mining’ on November 20th! Exciting approaches to sustainable construction and the recovery of valuable resources will be discussed together with experts from the construction industry and the circular economy. The event offers an excellent platform for anyone interested in innovative, resource-saving strategies in the construction industry.
15.10.2024 Cate Blanchet at ÖGNI
Cate Blanchett, the internationally renowned actress and producer, was the guest of honour at this year’s ‘ÖGNI’ Symposium at the Hofburg. Like Teuffel Engineering Consultants, she is committed to climate protection and shared her views on the impact of the property industry on a sustainable future during the moderated discussion.
10.11.2023 Panel Discussion with Patrick Teuffel
Patrick Teuffel joins the panel discussion ‘ Driving Sustainable Change Conference — Beyond Group’ with Zsolt Lengyel, Jan Bredack, Sarah Jaber and Mira Kinn at ‘ Berlin Global Village’
On June 24th, 2022 TEUFFEL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS is organising an internal workshop on the subject of sustainability and circularity in structural design. Guest speakers among others are: Alexander Happ from ‘ASSIDUUS -Developement GmbH’ as well as Arjan Kirkels and Amir Babakhani from the TU/e.
Ingenieurbaukunst 2022
Julian Lienhard and Patrick Teuffel have written the following chapter : “Circular Structures – Resource-Conserving Structural Design in New and Existing Buildings”. It has just been published by Ernst & Sohn in the yearbook ‘Ingenieurbaukunst 2022’.
June 29st, 2021 Patrick Teuffel at Online Forum “Composites and Sustainability”
Patrick Teuffel is guest speaker at the Swiss Online Forum “Composites and Sustainability”, 2021. From June 29th to July 1st, a total of 5 keynotes and 25 presentations from a total of 10 European countries will be presented, as well as a top-level panel discussion.
Spring 2021, Book publication “Sustainability, Resource Efficiency and Climate Protection”
“Sustainability, Resource Efficiency, and Climate Protection” The first sustainability book by and for civil engineers has just been published by Ernst & Sohn. Edited by Dr. Bernhard Hauke together with DGNB and the ‘Institut Bauen und Umwelt’ (IBU). The editors and selected authors, including Prof. Dr.-Ing Patrick Teuffel, will present a milestone of structural sustainability in detail.
June 22nd, 2021 DGNB training “Circular Economy” with Patrick Teuffel
Save the date: DGNB Advanced Training on the topic: Bio-based and building materials for change. The training gives an insight into current research results and is dedicated to successful projects.