Private House Frankfurt/Main

Hochbau, Innovation, PROJEKTE, Tragwerksplanung

Private House Frankfurt/Main

STRUCTURAL DESIGN LP 1-8 Frankfurt/ Main, built in 2020-2022 Client: Private Architects: Dietz Joppien Hammerschmidt Architekten Pictures: © Annette Detzel The construction project is a 3-story residential building with 2 residential units and an underground parking garage in Frankfurt/ Main. The special feature of this project is not only to develop an optimal structural system […]

B-Part Am Gleisdreieck, Berlin

Innovation, PROJEKTE, Temporäre Bauten, Tragwerksplanung

B-Part Am Gleisdreieck, Berlin

STRUCTURAL DESIGN LP 1 – 6 Berlin, built in 2019 Client: Urbane Mitte Am Gleisdreieck Architects: Scharabi Architekten Pictures: © B-Part Am Gleisdreieck, | HG Esch In the heart of Berlin, a lively and diverse urban quarter is emerging. Here, as many as possible aspects of an ideal life and work should be combined […]

CITIZEN / BULOVA booth “Time Theatre “ at BASELWORLD 2018

Innovation, PROJEKTE, Specials, Tragwerksplanung

CITIZEN / BULOVA booth “Time Theatre “ at BASELWORLD 2018

STRUCTURAL DESIGN LP 1 – 3 Basel, 2018 Booth Design: Atelier Tsuyoshi Tane Architects, Paris General contractor: Expomobilia, Effretikon/ CH For the exhibition booth “Time Theatre” for the companies Citizen and Bulova a modular steel-timber-structure was developed, in order to allow a simple and fast erection as well as demounting process of the structure.

Bahnstraße Falkensee

Hochbau, Tragwerksplanung

Bahnstraße Falkensee

STRUCTURAL DESIGN LP 5 – 8 Falkensee 2016-2017 Owner: private Architect: mangold architekten bda, Berlin Photo: TEC Inner-city project of a commercial building in the centre of Falkensee with an area of around 5000m². The ground floor will be mainly used by catering facilities, the three upper floors are office spaces. Below the building with […]

Showpalast and EQUILALAND Munich

Hochbau, Tragwerksplanung

Showpalast and EQUILALAND Munich

STRUCTURAL DESIGN LP 1 – 6 Munich 2016-2017 Owner: EQUILALAND Architect: GRAFT Gesellschaft von Architekten GmbH, Berlin General contractor: Adunic Deutschland GmbH, Berlin Photo: TEC In the north part of Munich close to the Allianz-Arena the EQUILALAND opens the worldwide first Horse-Themepark with an area of around 54000m² The project includes a themepark with gastronomies, […]

Tempelhofer Freiheit Südbrücke

Specials, Tragwerksplanung, Wettbewerbe

Tempelhofer Freiheit Südbrücke

STRUCTURAL DESIGN COMPETITION Berlin, 2012 Architect: ipv, Delft/ NL The bridge structure provides space for an integrated train station access with an integrated lift and access stairs. The continuous appearance of the Vierendeel truss provides opportunities for the illumination of graphical information at both sides of the bridge. This space can also serve as an […]

IFIB – Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry

Erdbeben, Fassadenplanung, PROJEKTE, Specials, Tragwerksplanung

IFIB – Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry

SCHEMATIC DESIGN TO DETAIL DESIGN, FACADE Tübingen / Germany 2015 – 2020 Client / Architect: Vermögen und Bau Baden- Württemberg Amt Tübingen, Tübingen / Germany, Wenzel+Wenzel, Stuttgart / Germany Structural design: Schweitzer Ingenieure, Saarbrücken / Germany Fotos: Martin Prösler, Tübingen / Germany New building Interfaculty Institute for Biochemistry IFIB The IFIB complements the Center for […]

Samsung GALAXY Studio, Sochi

Specials, Tragwerksplanung

Samsung GALAXY Studio, Sochi

The structure measured 40 m x 27 m x 9.50 m and consisted on three sides of a steel frame with four edges and two supporting columns in the middle. Diagonal bracing provided the necessary stability against snow and wind load as well as possible earthquakes.

Prora, Block 1, Island of Rugen, Germany

Bauen im Bestand, Tragwerksplanung, Umbau

Prora, Block 1, Island of Rugen, Germany

APPROVAL PLANNING TO CONSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISION Island of Rugen / Germany 2013 – 2016 Client: Wohnen in Prora, Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / Germany Architect: Stuke Architekten GmbH, Berlin / Germany Photo: Wohnen in Prora Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / Germany The structural intervention in a listed building can be regarded as […]

Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Tübingen, Germany

Erdbeben, Fassadenplanung, Specials, Tragwerksplanung

Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Tübingen, Germany

SCHEMATIC DESIGN TO DETAIL DESIGN, FACADE Tübingen / Germany 2010 – 2012 Client / Architect: Vermögen und Bau Baden- Württemberg Amt Tübingen, Tübingen / Germany, Wenzel+Wenzel, Stuttgart / Germany Structural design: Schweitzer Ingenieure, Saarbrücken / Germany Photo: Thomas Heimann, Berlin / Germany The hallmark of the 3,000 m² large office, teaching and research building is […]

Student Accommodation with day-care, Kassel, Germany

Hochbau, Tragwerksplanung, Wettbewerbe

Student Accommodation with day-care, Kassel, Germany

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN TO TENDER DOCUMENTS Kassel / Germany 2012 – 2014 Client: Studentenwerk Kassel, Kassel / Germany Architect: berger röcker architekten, Stuttgart / Germany Photo: berger röcker architekten, Stuttgart / Germany The project was commissioned by the Student Organization for the newly designed University of Kassel campus. It turned out to be a comprehensive student […]

HSV 21, Herschbach, Germany

Hochbau, Tragwerksplanung

HSV 21, Herschbach, Germany

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN TO DETAIL DESIGN Herschbach / Germany 2012 Client: Herschbacher Sportverein, Herschbach / Germany Architect: Markus Holzbach Architekten, Koblenz / Germany Photo: Gros Fotografie, Stuttgart / Germany Right from the beginning until completion TEUFEL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS accompanied the conception, planning and construction of this experimental building made of timber with metal components.

Fort Al Hosn, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Erdbeben, Hochbau, Tragwerksplanung

Fort Al Hosn, Abu Dhabi, UAE

SCHEMATIC DESIGN TO TENDER DOCUMENTS Abu Dhabi / UAE 2009 – 2010 Client: Abu Dhabi Culture & Heritage Architect: ASL, London / UK with Strauss Architekten, Stuttgart / Germany General contractor: Nüssli, Hüttwilen / Switzerland Photos: Kudy Reuteler, Hüttwilen / Switzerland The client brief was an almost impossible challenge to the engineers: In the centre […]

Beach club “Bries”

Leichtbau, Specials, Tragwerksplanung

Beach club “Bries”

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN TO TENDER DOCUMENTS, WORKSHOP DRAWINGS (STEEL), MEMBRANE STRUCTURE Noordwijk / Netherlands 2009 Client: Bries, Noordwijk / Netherlands Architect: Studio Akkerhuis Paris / Frankreich with Philipp Molter, Munich / Germany Photo: nilles graphic design Noordwijk aan Zee / Netherlands Every year during the summer months at the beach of Noordwijk a temporary culinary pavilion […]

Multipurpose hall “Giertsen”

Innovation, Leichtbau, Specials, Tragwerksplanung

Multipurpose hall “Giertsen”

ALL PHASES, WORKING DRAWINGS (STEEL), MEMBRANE GENERAL PLANNER Bergen / Norway 2008 – 2011 Client: W. Giertsen HallSystem AS, Bergen / Norway Architect: Holzbach Architekten, Koblenz / Germany Photo: Holzbach Architekten, Koblenz / Germany The underlying structural concept for this textile multipurpose hall is the use of a double-layer membrane which stretches across two mirrored […]

Weave Bridge

Specials, Tragwerksplanung

Weave Bridge

SCHEMATIC DESIGN TO DETAIL DESIGN Philadelphia / USA 2006 – 2009 Architect: Cecil Balmond, ARUP Advanced Geometry Unit, London / UK Photo: Greg Benson, Philadelphia / USA The bridge was designed by the Arup engineer Cecil Balmond. TEUFFEL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS worked on the design as a partner of the Advanced Geometry Unit (AGU) at the […]

ESTA technology center

Hochbau, Tragwerksplanung

ESTA technology center

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN TO APPROVAL PLANNING Senden / Germany 2006 – 2008 Client: ESTA, Senden / Germany Architect and General planner: gerken.Architekten+ingenieure, Ulm / Germany Design Consultant: Dirk Henning Braun, Stuttgart / Germany The very functional and reduced design appearance of this production and administrative building has also been designed from the engineering side as extremely […]