In contemporary architecture membranes are nicknamed the “fifth material“. Large areas can be easily and quickly covered by membranes with minimal use of material. Equally they provide excellent weather protection and open up great architectural spaces. From an engineering point of view membranes demand utmost skills and experience from both architects and engineers.
Temporary Buildings
In general building projects are expected to last “forever”. But nowadays there are many projects, which only have to work for a certain period of time, such as exhibitions, trade fairs, EXPO’s or big sport events. Based on our experience with these kind of projects we are able to deal with this special requirements, such as tight schedules or special structural situations.
Nowadays the envelope of a building, of which the facade represents a considerable part, has to fulfil a number of functions that go beyond shading- and weather protection. For example, the increasing transparency of building facades demands more and more complex design solutions in terms of slender constructions and thermal insulation. Whilst designing and detailing such modern facades architects and engineers often forsake the building’s original structural concerns. Facades tend to be hung in front of the reinforced concrete or steel frame, like a prêt-à-porter of architecture. It is foremost the egineer’s responsibility to counterbalance the overall aesthetic impression with structural and thermal performance when designing a facade.
Bridges do not only connect people, but also architecture and engineering and are therefore a major component of our portfolio.
Special structures can be any kind of building or even works of art which are exposed to extreme functional use and forces. From an engineering point of view special constructions often pose a real challenge. The engineer has to have, apart from great technical skills, a high degree of empathy for architectural and artistic thoughts and motivations.
Curiosity and interest for innovations are a major part of our daily work and therefore we are looking forward to experimental building projects.