Schüco Welcome Forum, Bielefeld

Bauen im Bestand, Hochbau, Innovation, Umbau, Wettbewerbe

Schüco Welcome Forum, Bielefeld

STRUCTURAL DESIGN LP 1 – 6 Bielefeld, 2018-2019 Client: Schüco International KG Architects: one fine day, Düsseldorf Visualisation: Studio Flamingo, Basel For the conversion of the two present halls into a new Welcome Forum the existing buildings shall be renewed into a unique and exceptional building, which fulfils the requirements of a global player and […]

Kindl Brewery – Centre for Contemporary Art

Bauen im Bestand, Fassadenplanung, Innovation, Specials, Umbau

Kindl Brewery – Centre for Contemporary Art

STRUCTURAL FACADE DESIGN, CONCEPT TO DETAILED DESIGN Berlin 2016 – 2017 Architect: grisard´architektur, Zurich Photo: Stefan Melchior The Kindl brewery in Berlin-Neukölln, which has been closed down for many years, has been re-designed and built as a centre for contemporary art. The supporting structure for the façade of the wind screen consists of rectangular multi-chamber […]

Prora, Block 1, Island of Rugen, Germany

Bauen im Bestand, Tragwerksplanung, Umbau

Prora, Block 1, Island of Rugen, Germany

APPROVAL PLANNING TO CONSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISION Island of Rugen / Germany 2013 – 2016 Client: Wohnen in Prora, Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / Germany Architect: Stuke Architekten GmbH, Berlin / Germany Photo: Wohnen in Prora Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / Germany The structural intervention in a listed building can be regarded as […]

Drake Street, Berlin, Germany

Bauen im Bestand, Umbau

Drake Street, Berlin, Germany

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN TO APPROVAL PLANNING Berlin / Germany 2014 – 2015 Client: BOTAG-Fonds 20 Drakestr. 76 / 77 GbR, Berlin / Germany Architect: Stuke Architekten GmbH, Berlin / Germany Photo: Stuke Architekten GmbH, Berlin / Germany The flat roof of the six storey housing block in the Berlin suburb Lichterfelde had to be thermally insulated. […]